1h 45min
Inspired by the music of singer-songwriter Wes Cunningham, Sironia is the story of a talented musician who has been chewed up and spit out by the Hollywood music machine. Frustrated by his broken career, Thomas Fisher and his wife Molly impulsively pack up and move to small town Sironia, Texas to live a more authentic life and raise their first child near Molly's brother and his family. Despite the change of scenery, Thomas's deep resentment over his lost dreams gets the best of him as he struggles to find peace with his stalled career, until he remembers what he loved about music, and Molly, in the first place.
Starring: Courtney Ford, Jeremy Sisto, Tony Hale, Amy Acker, Wes Cunningham
Classfication:PGMild themes and coarse language
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